Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Celebrating Life.

I am officially 24. Well...actually I am 23 , but with just less than a week to spare, we will go with 24. Am I at all where I thought a would be when I was 24? No, but I don't see this as a negative thing. You see, when you are younger than 24 (I see 24 as young still) it seems like light years away, unimaginable, almost ancient.
I thought I would be married, have a couple kids, and well on my way to retirement. But, as we all know, your views often change with age, which in turn, affects your plans in life. No, this isn't some off the wall form of being a hypocrite, it just means you are really becoming comfortable with yourself. I feel the overall consensus of my generation is to take your time and enjoy your age. People are not rushing in to marriage anymore, and are constantly giving support and advice rather than just trying to better themselves. People celebrate life and it's small feats, more often than ones own birthday. It happens everyday, think about it. Your birthday only happens once a year, and you often don't care until a few days before, and then that inner princess (or prince) feeling from childhood comes knocking on your door. But if you have a small project at home, a friend visiting from out of town, or even a new recipe your going to try out, you can look forward to it for weeks.
Am I excited for my upcoming birthday, today? Meh...ask me in a few more days though and I may attack you with my imaginary wand and make you wished you never asked. I am however digging this road I sped upon, maybe it's time to remove that lead from my shoe and take the long way home. So I am going to turn up that radio, roll down my windows and make hand waves in the wind. Peace.