Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Messenger

I think I need to start pulling Carrie Bradshaw's and just write my blogs at night in my bed. I am one of those people who re-cap their whole day, and maybe a few before it, before falling asleep hours later. I come up with these great ideas for blogs, words to match my feelings and pictures I will use in them perfectly. Often smirking and shaking my head as these grand plans flow. Only to wake the next morning with nothing to write. Well, not nothing, but not quite as clever as it sounded the night before. Maybe it's daily events that spark these ramblings. Wednesday was a roller coaster of emotions. One of my 'night thoughts' was the title of this blog, referring to the saying 'Don't kill the messenger'.
My day started rough, I was the messenger. In fact, I am always the messenger. I work as a Office Manager for a non-profit pre-school. I handle all things accounting, keeping in constant contact with all the families enrolled. Often times people get behind on bills, and I can relate, BUT like I said, I work for a non-profit. Which means just that, no-profit. We don't get a lot of money each month. It may seem that way, but it costs a lot to run the joint. So when these families get behind I have to 'set guidelines' in order for continued enrollment. Most families abide and get their shit together, for lack of a better choice of words. But some shoot me down like a heartless bitch trying to worsen their already crappy lives. Sorry. I know cussing isn't a good way to express myself, but in this case it just works perfect. No, I am not being rude, I am being direct and to the point. I understand no one else in your life does this, constantly bailing you out and not letting you fall. But understand me as I am trying to help run a business, with our own bills to pay and frankly we don't want to be in the same boat as you. PSsshhhh, whatever crazy.
In the words of Men at Work, 'Aint nobody gonna hold me down, Oh no'.

So, in going with my new saying, life is pretty good and has been for a while. I feel like I could make this blog about 5 pages long, but for your sake I will cover two topics and leave the rest for another day. Every thing in my life currently pertains to one thing, my upcoming wedding. A topic I am so tired of talking about at this point, I feel I am beating the subject in to the ground every time the word comes up. Don't get me wrong, I am totally stoked, so stoked I don't want to talk about it for fear I may pre-maturely explode with glee. Sometimes though it's hard to avoid the subject, times like bridal showers. My co-worker, Pammie, threw me one a couple weeks ago along with all my other co-workers. It funs really fun, and I appreciated it very much so. It was a garden theme, I got lots of plants, organic fertilizer, gift cards, gardening gloves, and yeas worth of horticulture magazines. Awesome. My friend/co-worker Kacie (who is also getting married this sunday-CONGRATS!) offered to take pictures for me and it was nice to actually see myself on the other side of the camera for a moment. To be honest, there was a lot of pictures and I have yet to really 're-touch' any of them, so for now, here is a group photo of us all..

Thanks Ladies for being a part of this day with me!

Other exciting news, we finally painted our house! Here is a before and after....



Well I am tired of hearing my own voice, so, peace.