Monday, November 29, 2010

Nifty Fifty


I love that song, and it was exact feeling I felt when I opened my christmas present. Yeah, I said christmas present. I have no patience and either does Brad when it comes to me nagging him… For some reason I am not seeing this a bad thing? Anyways - Brad went black friday shopping this year, and mistakingly told me he was going to look at camera lens's for me. Then he proceeded to get a wee bit tipsy and banned me from looking in the trunk of my car. Bad move, All I proceeded to do was give him all the reasons I needed it now, and just could NOT wait until christmas. Turns out i'm a good salesperson.

Please welcome to my collection…….THE NIFTY FIFTY!

I am SO Stoked, I have more Bokeh than I even know what to do with! In gearing up for this blog, I thought I would say goodbye to my old standard 18-55mm lens and hello to my new little 1.4, and how better to do this than to snap a photo of each?!? In doing this I saw an immediate difference in the quality of glass.

This photo taken with my standard 18-55mm @ f/ 5.6 ISO 400

This photo taken with my 50mm @f/1.4 ISO 400

SEE how much more light this little beauty lets in? I can't wait to keep learning!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010


Please excuse my absence, as I have been avoiding all that takes anymore than basic energy. The past year was a whirlwind of planning each day down to the last detail, and I have been enjoying my freedom from conformity and excess budgeting. I often review my days in my head, pre-writing paragraphs for awesome blog ideas, only to follow up the next day with nothing more than "Ugh, I suppose I don't really care to write about it, I'd rather live bi-caressly(sp?) through other's facebook pages".
It's not that I don't have a life, in fact I feel my life has been pretty exciting lately. We got a new puppy named sig (maybe this is the main reason for my lack of energy)

He is a Jack Russell TERROR. Seriously. I am working vigorously to kick the demon out that is living inside his little 10 lb. body. He does have good moments, he is actually a smart little puppy who loves to cuddle. But as you know, with one extreme, comes the other.
I plan on being domestic this weekend. Doing run through's on Thanksgiving recipes and catching up on my volcano of a laundry pile. Maybe in during the process I will take a few photos and moments to write about them. Until then, please update your pages, they provide me sanity throughout work days...