Monday, February 28, 2011

I can see clearly now...

I feel like so much has happened since my last post, I don't even know where to start. The biggest 'spectacle' I suppose is the new addition to my face. Yep, I finally caved and got glasses. One more reason to join the geek club, on top of my ever growing interest in electronics.
I also am currently taking a photography class, which I am enjoying. It is more 'basic' than I hoped, but what can you expect from a 'basics of photography' class other than explanation of buttons. It has been nice to slow back down, and really know what I'm talking about. I actually caught myself getting flustered while quickly trying to photograph a herd of elk frolic past my house. I had to switch lenses from my portrait lens/50mm to my zoom lens/75-300mm, forgetting to change all the settings along with the swap. When my photo's were coming out black, I panicked, but then said to myself "O.K., just look at your current settings, compared to what your trying to photograph". I was very pleased it only took me about 2 seconds and a few setting combos later, and bam, perfect exposure! I was elated, and figured at that point the class was worth the $85 .
Also, Brad got a new job! He is now the Fleet Maintenance Mechanic at Lane Electric, a local private union electric cooperative. We are so excited for all the new ventures we will be able to make now! We have so much on our minds, and are completely revising our 'long term plan'. Nothing is really set in stone at this point, So sorry for my lack of detail, but I don't want to jinx anything good. I hope to keep you updated as things go in our favor!