Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Winter slump. Winter projects.

I am officially in a winter slump. The photography class I was taking, just ended. Over all I am really glad I took it. I am sad however, that I never could do the homework assignments, which were optional. I just can't ever seem to take a good picture when I am looking for it. It also doesn't help that we have had nothing but muddy grounds and soggy skies, not leaving much room for creativity. My camera has been parked in the office for a while, which makes me sad. I am tired of wearing my winter clothes, and longingly stare at the summer clothes collecting dust on their hangers. My good friends baby shower is this weekend, so hopefully I can draw some motivation from that and spark my 'eye' again. The following week however I am headed to portland to go wedding dress shopping with my best friend and I am SO excited! I am also going to take some engagement photos for them. I have already started clearing memory cards and my computers hard drive in preparation for a new batch of pictures.
The good thing about being cooped up inside is that it makes you take a long hard look at your indoor decorating. I get bored easy, and often want to re-arrange, get rid of old things, make our home a little more 'us' not he brought this - I brought that. I also get in shopping mode, as it is the perfect rainy day activity. I like to frequent thrift stores looking for furniture I could possibly restore. I had been wanting to get a mail holder to eliminate piles of paper on our kitchen table. One day while perusing the aisles at value village, I found the perfect thing!

Well, it needed some TLC...but it could be the perfect thing. I hit up Jerry's, the local home improvement store, and bought some spray paint and few different grits of sand paper. The first step was to remove that lovely decoupage someone so graciously caked on.

Thanks mystery person, it only took me and hour and half. I also had to do this by hand, due to all the tiny tight little spaces and angles. The next step was to paint!
Luckily the sun peeked through just long enough for the paint to dry. After a couple coats, it was time to sand again- I was going for that antiqued look.
This step was probably the worst. Due to my impatience the paint was still a little tacky, and was hard to sand off. My finger tips were also starting to get a bit raw, and I cringed with every stroke. I am pretty happy with the end result though!

Now, to find a place to hang it, We'll save that for a another day...