Friday, May 14, 2010

Hoe-ing around.

Sorry the title is a little misleading, I don't even own a Hoe.
In recent posts I have talked a little about my new found love for gardening. I think it's always been there, I just never actually had a garden to let my emotions out in. I always drove by other peoples houses, who had ugly yards filled with junk, in disgust. The same questions and murmurs running through my mind (and Brad's ear):
" Why don't they just throw that stuff away? "
" If they just planted a couple flowers right there, It's only a few dollars! "

" Do you think they would notice if I just did it in the middle of the night for them? "
[Brad has learned not to take long car rides with me. I get very bored and critique everything we drive by, as if I somehow know the best for everyone. ]
Well, I like to take care of my yard. I take pride in it. I see it as - if I feel beautiful, people will see my true beauty. If my house is beautiful, well then that 1970's metal siding will illuminate it right on to me (Couldn't help myself). Really though, I think a persons domain says a lot about them. Neat, tidy and spotless? Well you just need to pull the stick out. Comfy, cozy and colorful? Let's trade decorating tips. Dirty, grungy and not maintained? Sell your couch, it's probably time anyways. Harsh I know, but I am not one to really censor my feelings. As I am writing this, Pandora chose to play 'Sitting on the dock of the bay' Re-done by Sara Bareille. I found it nice, as I skim through photos to share, please enjoy.

I found this little guy chilling in my flower bed
I was in love with these flowers that bloomed
I can relate to this one
So pretty
The enemy...

1 comment:

  1. Laura! These are SO beautiful! You really have talent! :)
