Monday, June 14, 2010

The 'To do list'

We all have them, some longer then others. Mine, is getting smaller and smaller every weekend. I have written in past posts about the endless projects Brad and I have created for ourselves in the preparation for this summers festivities. Yesterday I finished a major project I had been avoiding by coming up with all sorts of other things I just had to do.
Our house sits right on the creek bank, I realize how lucky this makes me and I often just sit on my porch and stare. I used to drive by other 'old people', my neighbors, who just sat on their porches and watched cars drive by, and think 'what weirdos'. Who just sits on their porch and does nothing? An answer I was not expecting to come across was, me. I sit on my porch and do nothing. It is the most relaxing thing I have ever done. I encourage everyone at one point or another to do it with me. I will even make you some tea : ).
Back to the point...I just get so distracted thinking about 'nothing'. On many of my porch sittings, my eyes were drawn to the path that led to the creek. It was half stairs, half dirt trail. Whoever started making it, realized how hard it was to lug boulders up and down the hill to make those pretty Home and Garden magazine stairs everyone wants. I started revamping the stairway about 2 months ago. After one step, I myself, gave up and saved it for another day.
Well weekends came and went and the project two people had now started and gave up on was taunting me. I wanted so bad for it to be done. I thought maybe if I let it sit there long enough Brad would just do it. Ha, I should know better. He always has more patience than me, and knows I will eventually finish whatever grand idea I once had. After finally running out of projects to keep me busy enough for a few hours, I figured it was time. After I got started, it all just kind of fell in to place. I have found procrastination to always work in my favor. If I do things when fully motivated they turn out better than I would have wanted them to. I am in love with my stairs.

I have found that stairs are hard to photograph.

Also this weekend there were a few rugrats running around, constantly trying to distract me and make me play. Rugrats that I can proudly call my niece and nephews. The fun thing about getting married, besides the obvious, is that you gain a whole new family. Coincindently, their parents had tried to get us to go play at the coast with them to go ride our quads, and somehow yard work won. Sorry Chrytsal, I hope you had a fun birthday weekend, but know I had so much fun with your kids! I found a few minutes here and there to play. Of course for me, playing is watching others and taking pictures. By the end of the day I somehow had 341 are a few of my favs.

I mean, how can you say no to this face?

This boy is a little harder to photograph, he's always on the move!

This girl, well I think the picture says it all, she's a beauty. But don't let her fool you, she's got the brains and wit to match.

With the heat finally deciding to grace us with a little sunshine, we broke out the sprinkler! Luke, Jake and Nichole were running around like the crazies they are, I found it REALLY hard to choose a favorite from this bunch of photos, as they were making the funniest faces and jumping over the water with every ninja kick in the book. But I managed to choose a few...

I think this picture captures his excitement completely.

It was really hard to not jump in line right behind them!

For a while the sprinkler 'wasn't a cool idea'. Then, she came running from no where and joined the fun!

Overall, I think it was successful weekend.


  1. I am sad you didn't come play with us but it looks like my kids enjoyed having you guys there so I'll forgive ya;) Love the pics!

  2. The stairs look amazing!!!!! Great pics of the kiddos too!
