Monday, June 7, 2010

A weekend to document.

This was one of those weekends that felt more like four or five crammed in to one. It begins Thursday, life decided to start with the bad news. Brad and I were headed to town to get some items from the local hardware store, and stopped by the in laws just because when you live in the country it's proper to tell your neighbors your every move. I stayed in the car, thinking it would only take Brad a minute or so to rattle off our checklist. After about five minutes, and me starting to debate joining them inside, Brad and his step-dad Mike appeared on 'the stoop'. They were talking quietly, shrugging their shoulders and saying 'I don't know, I mean, we'll see'. I felt it, I knew this wasn't good. The local news had apparently announced plans to drain all the local resevoirs to repair the dams. I was in denial at first, I figured they heard it wrong, something, I mean THEY CAN'T JUST DO THAT - can they? I called first thing friday morning, it took about 45 second until I wanted to throw the phone across the room. I instantly started crying, I CAN'T GET MARRIED IN FRONT OF A MUD PIT, sobs, followed by more sobs. Later that evening when I got home from work, I confirmed the Core of Engineers plan to ruin our wedding with Brad. We sat in silence for a while, just kind of in disbelief. Did we really just send our invites out, and not 5 days later half the information on them was void. Sweet, glad I spent 30+ hours on them...
The next morning we scoped out different locations on our property where we could have the ceremony. Luckily we were already planning on having the reception there so we were well on our way to making it all 'pretty'. We went back and forth between about three spots, I think I cried about 6 times, or maybe it was just continuous. "But I wanted a lake back drop"- I was having a hard time letting that go. It took me about a hour to readjust my 'vision'. Finally, we agreed on a new location. I sat and stared at it for about 20 minutes before I said 'O.K. this will work'. I re-thought my aisle walk, the music, the back drop, the seating....Trust me it's hard to do twice, for one wedding.
The rest of the day I proceeded to re-organize my kitchen. Throwing away everything hidden in the corners and caves of my cupboards, using dining table chairs for the high ones. I didn't care what it was, If I hadn't used it within the past month, out it went. After that I weeded my flower beds and planted some new ones. I read in Bride magazine (somehow I have a subscription now) that 'organizing' is a major stress reliever. I am a complete believer of this now, and highly recommend it. By the end of the day I was finally excited about my wedding again. Coming up with all these new ideas. My friends and family had all been saying this was probably a blessing in disguise and I was starting to see why. I won't bore you with all the 'It's better because details' because honestly I still feel a little bratty about it, and tend to end that list with a 'But I still WISH we could have had it at Sky Camp'.
The next day (I told you it was a long weekend) I had an appointment to get my wedding dress altered. I was actually dreading this, assuming something bad was just bound to happen. I was pleasantly suprised, It turned out to be the perfect ending to a horrible weekend. My mom, Brad's mom and Step mom, My brother his girlfriend and their two kids all came. FYI: I don't think your supposed to bring that many people to an alteration appointment. They have them in the back in a little room that fits about 4 comfortably. An hour and a half later my dressed was all pinned up and fit me just right. I think it was at that moment I really felt like a bride. As I walked away from my pedestal to hang my dress back up, I heard someone squeal and say "It's really happening!' in excitement for me. Yes, I thought, it really is happening! I stood in the dressing room for a moment and stared at myself a little more than I would in front of people and did a little freak out dance. I am a Bride, I am getting married. I fell in love with my dress more that moment than the day I bought it. Being as short as I am it was hard to picture any dress actually looking good on me, unless the look I was going for was mass amounts of fabric swallowing me whole. This appointment cured my funk of 'planning sucks' mode.
After the fitting me and my family went to my aunts house and had a BBQ. I love going to my aunts house. Her house, is that family members home you just love going to, its so comfortable. I got to play with my niece and have mean muggin' contests with my nephew. My cousin's Katy and James were there with their baby Isobel, she is a little blond haired gem. I also love babies-NO, that doesn't mean I want one, I am just a window shopper. I like to shoplift every now and again, but I always put the item-errr, baby back.
Now, it's monday, we will see what this week holds for me.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Laura, that is so rough! I can't imagine having to re-plan that big of a detail so close to your wedding date. But just know the most important thing is that at the end of August (the exact date is escaping me at the moment) you will be married to the guy you love! I know that doesn't help now, but hopefully it will later. :)
