Friday, March 26, 2010

Have I mentioned...

That I love where I live?

And what is only an hour and a half away?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Warming Feet

As most of you may know, I am getting married this August, an idea that I'm still warming up to. Don't get me wrong, I cant wait, just the word husband is freaking me out. I can barely muster up the word fiance. When referring to Brad in conversations to those who don't know him, I find myself debating in my head wether to say 'boyfriend' or 'fiance'. He is after all my fiance, but (again with 'the word' thing) it sounds so snooty, as if I should say it with a french accent and have some amazing story to follow. To call him my 'boyfriend' almost feels shameful, like I don't want people to know I have a 'fiance', but so much easier than following with 'Oh yes were getting August...we've been together for however long, we want kids in..." blah blah blah life story. Maybe this is somehow connected to my not liking the whole 'what do you want to be when you grow up' issue, being they both require a 'plan' of some sort, at least in your answers to people. I am sure this goes with the whole process, and by the time I like using the word fiance I will then have to use husband, and Anderson-a topic to be covered in a future blog.
On the flip side, the well wishes and happiness shared with friends and family during this time is something I will always cherish. My maid of honor , Randi, and long time friend, Sondra, threw me my first bridal shower over the weekend. It was small and relaxing, just what i've been needing. I feel with the craziness of planning the wedding itself, I have yet to actually enjoy my engagement. This weekend was a nice little eye opener that being engaged is not a full time job, without benefits.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Passionette...A stolen outlook.

Not having kids, being pregnant, or truly loving my job, makes topics hard to come by for new blogs. When I came across an article in Outdoor Photographer magazine, I new it was worth some blog space. You see I have always dreaded the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?". In fact I can honestly say, I hate that question. Maybe it's because I never knew, and always felt 'behind' and ashamed that I did not know what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. The idea of committing to one job forever felt so final and stale. Almost like a punishment.
The article 'Find your Passionette!' by Dewitt Jones, made me feel normal. In fact it explained how I felt about life to a 'T' so much that I had to read it over and over again to make sure I read it correctly. To read the article yourself go to this website...

{Click over to page two and start on the third paragraph down, unless of course you care to read a little about mixing photo images.}

In a nut shell, This article changed my life, or at least the way I feel about mine.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Puddle Jumper

Sitting at work one day while admiring the rain from the window, and mother and a pant-less child came into my view. When they entered the office I said some cheesy comment like "Oh, no pants friday huh?" (little kids really like these one-liners I come up with) the mother smiled . She explained to me, that while leaving the grocery store her son spotted a puddle in the parking lot. With quick little 2 yr old feet, he ran and jumped as high as he could landing, dead center, water EVERYWHERE. Onlookers laughed, and she couldn't help but to do so herself. After a few more splish-spashses, mom scooped up her child and realized he was soaked, and without a change of clothes handy, commando (diaper of course) was the only option. I asked timmy "Was that fun?" he answered with a beaming smile a immediate "Yeeeeessss" followed by the purest child giggle, the kind the touches your soul. I wished right there and then I could follow in suit. Run out the door and find the perfect puddle. I love the rain.