Friday, December 3, 2010

The Culvert Fairies

For the past couple weeks, and a few months to come, I have been taking two little girls two and from the Pre-School I work at. One is Two - Cassidy, and the Other five - Lupine. This has been an interesting learning process. You see, I am not a morning person, AT ALL. I am one of those, don't-talk-to-me-before-my-coffee sort of people.

Like any typical two and five year old, they love to be told stories, and the first thing they ask when they get in my car is "Can you tell us a story?" Me being the morning grinch that I am, I instantly in my mind yell "NO - I am freaking tired and I don't feel like using my imagination until noon!". But you don't want to crush the dreams of little girls, so I take a big gulp of coffee and ask "what should the story be about today?". I tell myself its good practice for when Brad and I decide to have children. At least someone else's kids can laugh at my not so up to par children's tales. I did come up with one I thought was blog worthy though...
After I ask the girls what they would like to be in that days story and they generally give about five or so main points. This day, they wanted fairies, two little girl fairies named Lupine and Cassidy to be exact...go figure, that live in tunnels, and hidden treasures that are purple. So naturally, my first childrens best seller is about a fairy family living in a driveway culvert (Hey - THEY give me the outline, I just fill in the details) we'll call it 'The Culvert Fairies'.
It starts out with a fairy family whose home is danger of being wiped out by the winter rain that will create a stream right through their living room. They srcamble for ideas on what to, and decide to create a floating home that attaches to the top of the culvert. They would gather twigs and tree bark, and tree sap of course to make it all stick and stay together. After days of work and just a few hours shy of the first winter storm, their new home was finished and they were elated! They could see all sorts of new sights, they wondered why they didn't so this sooner?
One morning Mrs. Fairy was drinking her morning coffee, and something caught her eye in the field outside the culvert. She pointed it out to Lupine and Cassidy, and when breakfast was through they all ventured out to see what it was. As they drew closer to this glowing hidden treasure, they realized it was a huge purple crystal. It was so big, that they couldn't even move it. Each day from then on the girls would visit this crystal and admire all the little crevices that sparkled in the sunlight.
On a cold winter night, when there were no clouds in the sky, the two little fairies were snuggled in bed and rolled over to see the crystal sparkling in the moonlight. They jumped out of bed and ran to their parents room to show them, Mr. and Mrs. Fairy were just as excited. That night they all dreamt of the sprakling crystal. In the morning Mr. and Mrs. Fairy told the little girls they would all go to the crystal today and try to collect little pieces of it. The little girls were a little confused as to why, but went along anyways.
When they returned home, Mr. and Mrs. Fairy placed all the little chunks of crystal they had collected in various corners of their home. When it got dark enough, they placed a flashlight pointing directly at a crystal hanging over their dining room table. When they flicked it on, the light beams illuminated all throughout the house bouncing from one crystal to the next, creating a beautiful warm purple glow from room to room.
For years to come, The Fairy family would collect more chunks of crystal as old ones would 'burn out' and lived happily ever after!

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