Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A spoon full of memories

You don't often hear what people actually get as wedding presents. Maybe this is due to people mostly giving cash or gift cards now a days, and it's just not that exciting to gloat about. We only got about three actual presents, and the rest falls in to the last category. One present really sticks out to me as special though, a spoon.
Now I can imagine your thinking the same I did when we opened it ".....A spoon? Sweet...." We went on to read the letter attached and soon found it to be the most heartfelt gift of all. The present was from my Grandma & Grandpa. The card explained that it used to be a tradition back when they got married over 65 years ago, for a new bride and groom to receive a new set of silverware. They jokingly explained how expensive a new set of real silverware was today, and hoped that we could settle with this. It was a spoon from the set they received on their wedding day. Could we settle, of course we could settle. This was such an amazing thing to get! I am sure Brad was a little more excited about the Cabela's gift cards, but I will always treasure this as my favorite wedding gift. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa.

1 comment:

  1. oh I just love this post. It's a darling little spoon, too! :)
