Monday, December 13, 2010

iHeart Faces week 50 photo contest 'Pets'

This week at iHeart faces, a photography blog I follow, they are having a photo contest on pictures of your pets. Normally I would enter a photo that I feel is really 'good' or one that I really like my post production, but today is the deadline (alright I just checked, it's tomorrow but I know when I get home I am not going to want to sift through my pictures, it's monday...) for entry and I have failed to find that perfect photo over the weekend. You see, I don't have internet at home, so all blogging, facebook, or flickr photos I want to upload I have to pick out in advance. Luckily I still had a CD at work from the last round of pics, and one of my puppy - Sig, was on there. So for lack of a better planned photo - here is my entry - The song "All I want for christmas" comes to mind for some reason...

Oh - and my husbands a mechanic just in case your wondering...

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